This afternoon, President Barrack Obama extended a 100-year presidential tradition by throwing out a ceremonial first pitch on Opening Day. Dressed in a Nationals jacket and White Sox cap, the left-handed President Obama stepped atop the mound and lobbed a soft toss that would have been high and outside to a right-handed batter (see video […]
Archive for April 5th, 2010
Presidential Pitching
Posted in Baseball History, MLB on April 5, 2010 | 6 Comments »
Tragedy Strikes The Johns Again
Posted in MLB, Yankees on April 5, 2010 | 11 Comments »
Tommy John is a borderline Hall of Fame pitcher, but mention his name and undoubtedly what will pop into most baseball fans’ minds is the surgery that now bears his name. Unlike Lou Gehrig, John has not been able to overcome the shadow of his medical-related namesake. Then again, that’s probably how it should be. […]
No Stroll In The Park, But A Lot Of Bull
Posted in Game Recap, Yankees on April 5, 2010 | Leave a Comment »
Sometimes things can get magnified on Opening Day, not to mention when the opener is played at Fenway Park. Still, most of the conclusions that can be drawn are usually very basic and already widely known. For example, after yesterday’s loss to the Red Sox, we learned that Nick Johnson works the count, Arod hits the ball […]